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 Regulament "" / Rules of ""

In jos 
2 participanți

Mesaje : 62
Puncte : 100004748
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Data de inscriere : 10/06/2012
Varsta : 41
Localizare : Galati

Regulament "" / Rules of "" Empty
MesajSubiect: Regulament "" / Rules of ""   Regulament "" / Rules of "" Icon_minitimeMier 18 Noi 2015, 14:02

Adminii cu accesele suspendate pe o perioada de timp vor trimite mail sau pm din nou cu nume,parola si tipul adminului avut inainte !!! Cei care nu fac acest lucru, il vor pierde definitiv din lipsa necunoasterii acestui regulament

1. Adminii care vor avea o perioada de timp inactiva datorita unor probleme, sunt rugati sa anunte pe forum acest lucru, altfel il vor pierde fara drept de apel.
2. Este interzisa orice comanda impotriva altui admin, (slay,slap,kick,ban).
3. Limbajul si atitudinea vor fi pastrate in limita bunului simt,in caz contrar gag/llama/kick/ban pe maxim 1440 minute.Daca se da retry, dupa gag/llama cel in cauza va fi banat pe 15 de minute !
4.In cazul adminilor, acestia sunt obligati sa NU adopte o atitudine de superioritate fata de jucatori si sa nu dea nastere unui posibil conflict, ci doar sa IL PREVINA PRIN AMABILITATE. Aplicarea regulamentului este singura optiune viabila pentru admini.
5.Orice atitudine gen suferinta exagerata, atacul jucatorilor, abuzarea de comenzi pentru a face dreptate in regim propriu se va sanctiona.
6. Schimbarea hartilor se va face NUMAI prin comanda votemap (amx_votemap)
7. LAG-ul unor jucatori (de fapt ping-ul, ca lag e altceva) care depaseste 80-150 si determina miscarea sacadata a serverului -> kick , daca serv se misca ok, nu dati kick. LAGUL apare la toti, daca e de la server, daca e doar la unii jucatori, e de la netul lor.
8. BAN-urile nu se dau fara demo sau ss! Daca jucatorului care este acuzat de coduri i se fac poze de catre admin, el trebuie sa astepte sa primeasca id-ul, nu sa-l dea pe a lui. Adminul este obligat sa-i spuna prin psay un id unde poate da pozele sau forumul unde le poate pune (niciodata cu say sau alta comanda). Banurile permanente se dau numai cu comanda amx_banshot in cazul in care serverul are amx sau admin_banip ip-ul. Atentie, comanda amx_demo nu inregistreaza demo unui jucator cu caractere in nickname !!!
9. Nu Se dau banuri ex:99999999 banuri vor fi de la 10 la 1000 minute.
10. Adminii care dau banuri fara poze sau demo isi pierd definitiv adminul, cmd = amx_ss nick/admin_ss nick
11. Adminii sunt obligati sa respecte atat regulamentul acesta cat si cel al JUCATORILOR
12. Toti adminii din aceasta comunitate au obligatia de a fi activi pe forum, server.
13. Nu dati parola altcuiva. Adminele sunt personale si raspundeti pentru ele..
14. Fiecare kick, slay, ban, slap, llama, trebuie justificat in fata unui admin mai mare ca functie !
15. Adminii pe care ii intereseaza mai mult jocul personal, si nu se ocupa de server la cererea jucatorilor, vor fi sanctionati.
16. Discutiile intre admini, se vor purta doar cu amx_chat, amx_psay .
17. Este interzisa reclama la alte servere sau link-uri, ori schimbarea de id-uri de YM pe server si forum fara aprobarea unuia dintre owneri. Folositi functia PM (private message) pentru aceste schimburi !
18. Nu cereti admin pe server, ca nu primiti. Cererile se fac numai pe forum !
19. Daca vi se pare un jucator suspect de cheat-uri, treceti spectator (doar in lipsa unui admin) si faceti demo (maxim 5 minute) sau trimite-i un mesaj adminului in felul urmator : apasati say_team (u) si pe urma @ dupa care scrieti mesajul dorit care va ajunge la adminul prezent pe server. Nu abuzati de aceasta functie, decat pentru anuntarea stricta a unui jucator dubios !
20. Nu folositi mai mult de 3 ori consecutiv comanda admin_say/amx_say.
21. Este interzisa scoaterea imunitatii, si alte comenzi care v-ar putea avantaja jocul gen amx_transfer, godmode, noclip, etc.
22. Cei care vor folosi numele altor echipe sau jucatori (de pe server sau din pgl, gen TeG, Eq) si nu fac parte din componenta lor, vor fi banati temporar, daca nu si-l schimba dupa ce a primit atentionarea adminului prezent pe server.
23. Adminii care pun parola pe server,inchid serverul sau folosesc comenzi de gen execall, ori abuzeaza de functia rcon pierd adminul.
24. Se dau maxim 3 restarturi pe harta dupa terminarea primei si a 2-a runde din noua harta!!! Doar adminul cel mai mare in grad prezent pe server are voie sa dea restart live (acesta se da doar o singura data). Ceilalti admini au voie sa dea doar restart normal (amx_restart 1 nu /restart sau /live)
25. Nu se fac locuri la cererea jucatorilor sau pentru prieteni apropiati.
26. Adminii nu vor modifica niciodata setarile serverului (exceptand punctul 37) si nu vor juca cu alte nume decat cele de ADMIN (sunt permise acele nick-uri cu extensii, atata timp cat face referire si la numele de admin pe care il are) ! Numai ownerul are voie "undercover" !
28. Jucatorii si adminii sunt obligati sa aibe acelasi nume atat pe server cat si pe forum, exceptie facand Ownerii !
29. Adminii inactivi pe forum vor fi suspendati sau stersi !
30. Owneri care devin inactivi din diverse motive, vor fi trecuti pe server cu acces GOD, iar pe forum cu moderator, atributiile acestuia revenind noului "candidat" desemnat de catre proprietar sau sponsor. Ei nu vor fi niciodata stersi decat cu acordul sponsorului si al proprietarului.
31. Este interzisa schimbarea hartii consecutiv.
32. Nickul unui jucator trebuie sa aibe minim 2 caractere.
33. Cererile de upgrade se fac lunar !
34. O decizie luata de un owner poate fi revocata numai daca se obtin minim 15 voturi din partea staff-ului.
35. Cand dati vot, nu schimbati harta in mijlocul rundei, asteptati terminarea ei, la fel si comanda amx_blind (ea se da la inceput sau sfarsit de runda si se executa numai pentru no-flash, de obicei pentru a verifica un jucator de wall, nu de aim ). Comanda amx_blind + slay sau kick (destroy) aplicata jucatorului va fi considera abuz din partea adminului daca nu existe dovezi clare (demo, sau poze) in privinta jucatorului si se va sanctiona cu o suspendare de 5 zile.
36. Plangerile intre admini, argumentele pro sau contra, se fac numai in sectiunea adminilor.

Reguli pentru jucatorii serverului:

1. Nu folositi un limbaj neadecvat pe server, orice astfel de comportament va duce la folosirea comenzii llama/gag/kick/ban pe cel in cauza.
2. Nu dati retry dupa ce ati primit gag. O sa primiti ban.
3. Orice jignire grava adusa unui acces poate duce la banarea permanenta.
4. Cei care sunt prinsi folosind cheat-uri vor fi banati permanent.
5. Cititi cu atentie rubrica CERERI ADMIN pentru ca sunt si acolo niste reguli pe care trebuie sa le respectati.
6. Orice perioada de downtime, problema tehnica a serverului sau a forumului se anunta pe YM la c_ristine_l
7. Jocul este liber in limita bunului simt.......

Echipa LUPTATORI-CSTRIKE are dreptul sa modifice sanctiunile sau sa mai adauge.

Cand situatia o cere, exceptii de la reguli pot fi facute.

Sus In jos

Mesaje : 27
Puncte : 3313
Reputatie : 7
Data de inscriere : 04/01/2016
Varsta : 23

Regulament "" / Rules of "" Empty
MesajSubiect: Re: Regulament "" / Rules of ""   Regulament "" / Rules of "" Icon_minitimeMier 03 Feb 2016, 21:41


Admins bouts suspended for a period of time will send mail or PM again with name, password and type admin had before !!! Those who do not do so, they will lose forever the lack of ignorance that regulation 

1. GMs will have a period of idle time due to a problem, please inform this forum, otherwise they will lose unappealable. 
2. It is forbidden any order against another admin (slay, slap, kick, ban). 
3. The language and attitude will be kept in limits of common sense, otherwise gag / llama / kick / ban in 1440 minute.Daca give maximum retry after gag / llama the cause will be banned in 15 minutes! 
4.In case the admins, they are obliged not to adopt an attitude of superiority to the players and not give rise to a potential conflict, but only to avert by kindness. Implementation of the Regulation is the only viable option for admins. 
5. Any kind attitude exaggerated suffering, attack players, abusing the right in order to make proper arrangements will be penalized. 
6. Change maps will be made only by order votemap (amx_votemap) 
7. lag of players (actually ping, the lag is something else) that exceeds 80-150 and cause judder server -> kicked if serv moves ok, do not give kick. Lag occurs at all, if the server, if only to some players, it's from their netul. 
8. bans are not giving free demo or ss! If the player who is currently accused of taking pictures of admin, he must wait to receive ID, not give him his. Admin is obliged to tell the psay an id which can give photos or forum where they can put (never say or another command). Permanent bans amx_banshot command is given only if the server has admin_banip AMX or ip. Attention amx_demo order not register a player demo characters in nickname !!! 
9. bans do not give ex: 99999999 bans will be from 10 to 1000 minutes. 
10. GMs who give no pictures bans or permanently lost their demo admin, cmd = amx_ss nick / nick admin_ss 
11. GMs are required to comply with both this Regulation and the players 
12. All admins of this community have an obligation to be active on the forum server. 
13. Do not give your password to someone else. Adminele are personal and reply to them .. 
14. Every kick, slay, ban, slap, llama, be justified in the face of a higher admin function! 
15. GMs who are interested in the game more personal, and not to deal with the application server players will be punished. 
16. The discussions between admins will wear only amx_chat, amx_psay. 
17. It is forbidden to advertise other servers or links, or change IDs YM forum on the server and without the approval of one owner. Use function PM (private message) in this trade! 
18. Do not ask the server admin, not receiving. Applications may only be made on the forum! 
19. If you find a player suspected cheats, go spectator (only in the absence of an admin) and make demo (maximum 5 minutes) or send a message admin in the following way: press say_team (u) and then @ then write the desired message that will reach far admin server. Do not abuse this function than to announce a player dubious strict! 
20. Do not use more than 3 times ordering admin_say / amx_say. 
21. It is forbidden to remove immunity, and other commands that you could benefit amx_transfer game genre, godmode, noclip, etc. 
22. Those who use the name of other teams or players (server or PGL, TeG gender, Eq) and is not part of their membership, will be banned temporarily, if not change it after receiving warning of the present admin server. 
23. GMs who put the password on the server, shut down the server or use commands like execall or lose rcon admin abusing function. 
24. Give the map within 3 resets after finishing first and 2nd rounds of the new map !!! Only admin highest grade currently in the server restart allowed to give live (it is given only once). The other admins are allowed to give only restart normal (not amx_restart 1 / restart / or live) 
25. There are places players at the request or close friends. 
26. GMs will never change server settings (except section 37) and will play no other name than the ADMIN (allowed those nicks extensions, as long as it refers to the names that you have admin) ! Only chown allowed "undercover"! 
27. INFORMATION IN CLASS IP bans (data up to 1000 minutes) will be announced immediately on the forum with a dedicated, motivated and PROOF, CONTRARY TO LOSE CONTROL IN BAN CASE. 
28. Players and admins are forced to have the same name on both the server and forum, except Owners of! 
29. inactive forum admins will be suspended or terminated! 
30. Owner who become inactive for various reasons, will be switched to the access server GOD, and the forum moderator, returning its duties the new "candidate" designated by the owner or sponsor. They will never be deleted without the permission of the owner and sponsor. 
31. It is forbidden changing paper consecutively. 
32. Nick a player must have at least 2 characters. 
33. Requests for upgrades are made monthly! 
34. A decision by an owner can be revoked only if they obtain at least 15 votes from the staff. 
35. When you let vote, do not change the paper in the middle of the round, wait for its completion, as well as amx_blind command (it gives the beginning or end of the round and run only no-flash, usually to verify a player wall not AIM). Order amx_blind + slay or kick (destroy) Applied player will count abuse by admin If there is evidence (demo or photos) about the player and will be sanctioned with a suspension of 5 days. 
36. Complaints between admins, pros and cons, are only in the admin section. 

Rules for players Server: 

1. Do not use inappropriate language on the server, any such behavior will lead to using the command llama / gag / kick / ban on the concerned. 
2. Do not give retry after receiving gag. You bans. 
3. Any serious injury to an access ban can lead to permanent. 
4. Those who are caught using cheats will be banned permanently. 
5. Carefully read the Admin section because there are some rules and that you have to respect. 
6. Any period of downtime, server or technical problem announce the Forum on Facebook at c_ristine_l 
7. The game is free in limits of common sense ....... 

Team Fight Cstrike the right to edit or add more sanctions. 

When necessary, exceptions to this rule can be made. 

Sincerely: Team "Fight Cstrike"
Sus In jos
Regulament "" / Rules of ""
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